Mar 30, 2010

Just a few of the ways to say those 3 little words...

Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6

No...I'm not talking about the three little words of 'I love you'...I'm talking about another 3 words.
I'm sure you have figured it out (by picture 3 perhaps???) but indulge me because this is the LAST time I get to announce this...
I am pregnant!

It wasn't a shock...but definitely was a surprise to learn that baby #4 is on the way! A little crazy? Yes. But we're very excited and overall I've been feeling pretty good. (you good as possible considering the extreme tiredness of pregnancy and running around after 3 other kids!)
Isa will only be about 13 months old when this one is born - so right now one of my big prayers is that she'll be walking before then! :)

Here's a bit of irony that my friends Kim and Joni will appreciate. They brought me meals one day when Isa was about a week old and said they had been talking about who would be the next one at work to be pregnant. They decided it would be ME - and they thought I'd be pregnant by Valentine's Day. I laughed at the craziness of that thought...but I'm not laughing anymore! :) Maybe their prophetic.

Let me explain the pictures:
Number 1 - This was how I told Michael we were expecting our first baby...Elliott. I told him just before Valentine's Day and had gotten these cute little boxes that were full of cookies. I think I gave him a card with it or something as his 'early Valentine's gift' and told him.
Number 2 - A bun in the oven.
Number 3 - Here is little Isa in the 'Big Sister' shirt that Emerald wore on my very first post of this blog announcing baby #3 was on the way. (Doesn't it look funny for a 6 month old to have this little shirt on?)
Number 4 - Preg-o sauce. Picture this with a meal of 'baby veggies.'
Number 5 - This is the cute magnetic mini-accordian album I made that we used to tell our parents about baby #4.
Number 6 - I wanted to tell Michael about this baby with the little album - but it didn't come in time. I waited a week (that's a long time to keep this big of a secret let me tell ya). So I decided to quick do some Photoshop magic and create this scoreboard. It took him a minute to figure it out but he loved it.

Why am I telling in so many different ways? Because folks...this is the Farewell Tour! It's sad to think of this as the last time I get to be pregnant - but come to think of it - not very sad to be the last time to go through the early queasies...or labor. :)

And - now I'm in need of good ideas on how to find out what I'm having in a fun way. (not just in the ultrasound room or by opening an envelope) I WILL be finding out what this one is (crossing my fingers for a boy!) but Michael will NOT be finding out. We'll see how that goes.

Can't wait to meet little Baby Cuatro! :)


  1. whoot! whoot! Soooooo happy Sister!

  2. Congrats Caven family!!! Can I tell you a secret? It took me until pic #5 to figure it out! I'm a little slow... ;) So happy for you!

  3. what a great post! i love the "bun in the oven." IF we have another, maybe i'll steal that idea!

  4. Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear the news. It seems like just yesterday when you were getting married! :)



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