Apr 12, 2010

The Story of My Intervention

I needed an intervention...and found a wonderful, loving, fun person to set me straight. Her name is Lindsay and I can't say enough about her. She is fantastic and you.should.call.her.too! (although - many of you don't need her - but it's SO fun anyway)

Here's the scoop:
A woman from my church is an author (humorous novels - check them out if you want some fun reading) and one day she wrote on her blog about her sister who did a little 'style intervention' with her. It turns out, her sister is Lindsay, and this is Lindsay's job! She helps people (like me) who need a little help and perspective on their wardrobe.

I have many stylish friends - and I thought about calling them to 'help' me - but sometimes you need the brutal honesty of a stranger to say "what were you thinking when you bought that?" So I called her - and Lindsay came to the rescue. She didn't hurt my feelings and was honest enough to say things like "this would be really cute...if you were 20!"

I got out all of my winter clothes - and she went through them ALL - including shoes and accessories. She got rid of almost everything I had. (with good reason - I've been in maternity clothes most of the last 4 years and so some of these clothes were still from college or were suits that I have no need to wear now)
With what was left - she pieced together lots of different outfits and we made a list of what I still needed. Then - we went shopping!

I just have to say - shopping is SO MUCH FUN when you know what you need and have someone helping you look who knows exactly what will work for you. Fun! I think we found everything I needed in about 45 minutes - even jeans! And - crazy enough - she even helped me come in UNDER budget!

I wish I could do a wear post like my stylish friend here but since winter has passed I'm a bit too late to take pictures. Here's the only one I had that showed my new scarf. :)
I fully intended on calling Lindsay to do the same thing all over again for summer - but in a couple weeks I'll be back in maternity clothes. Oh well. Next year.

Her business card says 'Personal Stylist - Breaking the addiction to bad fashion once and for all.' Now...if only I could get my husband to let her go through his clothes! :)
Thanks Lindsay - you're the best!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool, Elizabeth! You should definitely start doing some "wear" posts :)


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