Mar 6, 2009

Baby C

Today I FINALLY got to see the midwives! I've had to wait longer than normal because we got a new supplement to our insurance (that should make this the cheapest baby we've had yet - yeah!) and I had to wait until this week for it to take effect so I could go to the doctor.

I've been pretty nervous about this appointment actually - because I haven't physically felt any growth yet. I've been sick and extremely tired - but expected to need my maternity clothes by now. (with Emerald I needed them at 9 weeks!) But I still haven't even come close to needing them yet - if anything I've been losing weight this time and some of my clothes are getting too big.

So - I was excited for this appointment. I went through all the usual medical history stuff and got stuck several times to take blood (which they never got and eventually gave up on - ick!).

Then we tried to hear the heartbeat. I waited to hear it...and waited...and waited. No heartbeat. The midwife tried for almost 10 minutes and couldn't get it so she gave up and scheduled an ultrasound.

The rest of the fam joined me for the ultrasound later this afternoon. The tech tried lots of different spots to see the baby - but couldn't find it either! I was getting nervous to hear her say it wasn't there - but then she FINALLY found it. The little stinker must be camera-shy or something because it really does not want us to see it.

We were relieved to finally hear the heartbeat and see the perfect little toes and fingers. Baby C #3 is growing right on schedule and looks healthy and cute. :) (at least - it looks like a cute little martian at this point)

1 comment:

  1. LIZ----------- don't DO that to me! I about died as I read your post. Jeeze. ;-) I'm so glad you heard little C's heart beat. it's a precious thing, huh? I'm sorry you're still feeling sick. :-( bummer.


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