Mar 16, 2010

It never rains in Southern California?

I know it doesn't rain often in SoCal - but my, oh my, did we experience rain during our trip to LA, San Diego, and even Phoenix! It rained...and rained...and rained! Thankfully we saw a few things in our first 12 hours off the plane in LA before the rain started.
We were in LA during the Golden Globes and had fun 'star-gazing' by driving past the stars getting out of their limos for the event. We did all the 'touristy' things since this was Michael's first trip. We saw the Hollywood sign, all the baseball stadiums (see this post), and even visited the wax museum. A quick note about the picture of the canopy bed on the top right of the first set of pics for all you Project Runway fans out there. It was one of the 'inspiration' pieces pulled by Carol Hannah. (Crazy that we know that...but we do.)

The final tourist thing we did near LA was visit DisneyLand. Unfortunately, we only had about 8 hours to spend there...but fortunately, the rain kept everyone away and we literally walked on to almost every ride. No waiting - just fun! (and fashionable...aren't those ponchos beautiful?)

Most of our trip was spent in San Diego. We stayed at the del Coronado. It is old and beautiful - but we didn't stay there the whole time because it's just not as nice in the rain. There was an hour or two break in the rain while we were there so we had to run down to the beach to at least get a picture.

One more Project Runway fun fact...Gordana has her store in San Diego. We stopped in and met her and Jesus (from this season) and tried on clothes! I found one thing I LOVED. Michael liked it on me too and didn't know why I didn't buy it...until I told him the price. $198 - ouch! My sweet hubs even thought about going back to get it to surprise me with it...but common sense came over him and I do not have a Goga shirt.

We ended our trip in Phoenix and got to stay with my friend Amy...the most gracious and fun friend in the world! :) Thanks again for letting us stay with you!
A big thanks also to my mom (and dad) for staying with the kids while we were away. Wow! 8 days wrangling 3 kids is a lot! The best thing for us is that we knew they were in good hands and never worried about them even once.
It was fun to be back though. Emma loves her daddy and here was one picture taken soon after we got home - precious.

1 comment:

  1. FUN! Sounds like a great trip despite all the rain (big bummer). Loved your PR facts. I've been to that museum in LA too. So cool you met two of them!!


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