Oct 5, 2009

In honor of tonight (and tomorrow)...

Yes, yes, yes - I will be blogging pictures of Isabella soon and share the details of the last 2 weeks! Sorry it's taken me so long...I know many of you have been checking regularly and I'm sorry to disappoint you...but I have a good excuse! (18 hours of labor that wore me out - finding a new 'normal' with 3 kids under 3 years old - and a terrible infection that kept me in bed for a few days) But I promise to post more soon so check back in a day or two!

For now - hope this tides you over. Being married to a one of the biggest baseball fans I've ever met means that this time of year is full of excitement...and even more so when the Twins are the ones in the middle of the drama. The Twins game isn't until Tuesday - but here's our little tribute...and a peek at what life has been like the past 2 weeks. Here is Isa sleeping peacefully (in her Twins jersey - which is why I'm posting this one here) while the other kids are wrestling each other and I'm playing referee so the baby doesn't get squished!

The other drama in Minnesota is happening tonight...Vikings versus Packers. I've always been a Packer fan (although 'fan' is relative - I couldn't tell you much about the team most of the time - but I feel loyal because I was born in Green Bay). My husband, however, is NOT a Packer fan! Ha! So purple is the color most often displayed in our house around football time. Here are the kids showing their pick for the game tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth....it took me a good 6-8 weeks to find a grove for 3 under 3!!(and some days I still cant figure it out!) :) Good luck! When will your oldest be 3? I hope everything is going good!
    -Rachael Stensrud


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