Oct 30, 2013

DIY a Felt Turkey for the Holidays

I have longingly looked at the adorable play turkeys on Thanksgiving tables in magazines and online for a few years. They just look like such a fun addition to a kids' table or for my littles to play with in their mini kitchen around Thanksgiving and Christmas. But I didn't want to spend the money to buy a faux turkey, and was intimidated at the idea of making one.

Until now.

Creating this turkey was my very first foray into the world of felt food projects and I'm hooked! It's an incredibly easy project to whip up and will make an adorable and fun item for your kids to have for the holidays this year.

Here is what you need to make a turkey:
1/2 yard brown felt (if you find wide felt a 1/4 yard will work)
Stuffing (I used polyester fiberfill - you'll need a small amount)
1 craft square of white felt
Matching thread
Sewing machine
Hand sewing needle
Pattern (download it here)

Download the pattern from here. Print and cut it then follow the numbers printed on the pattern to cut your fabric pieces.

First make the wings by placing two wing pieces right sides together and sew around the edges (with a 1/4" seam allowance) leaving a 2 inch opening for turning. Repeat for the other wing.

Carefully turn the wings right side out.

Now take two drumstick pieces and sew them with right sides together (1/4" seam allowance), leaving the bottom straight part open. Repeat for the other drumstick. Carefully turn the drumsticks right side out.

To make the turkey body place the two curved body pieces right sides together (1/4" seam allowance) and sew the curved edge, leaving the bottom straight edge open.

While the body is still inside out sew the bottom piece onto the turkey with right sides together, leaving a 3 inch opening for turning.

Turn the turkey body right side out and stuff it full of fiberfill. You'll also need to tightly stuff both the wings and the drumsticks.

Hand sew the wings closed but leave the end of the drumstick open. You need to also hand sew the opening of the turkey body to close it.

Make the cutlet frills by folding one cutlet frill piece in half lengthwise. Then cut slits about 3/4" deep into the folded side every 1/4" down the length of the piece. Repeat with the other cutlet frill piece.

Take one cutlet frill and wrap it tightly around the end of one of the drumsticks.

You can hand stitch or machine sew across the lower edge where the frill meets the drumstick. (Hand stitching will keep the drumstick more round on the end but I chose to machine stitch it and it worked well too.) Repeat for the other drumstick.

Now you just need to put the pieces together. Hand stitch the wings and drumsticks to the turkey body and you're done!

If you wanted to make the drumsticks removable you could add Velcro to them and to the body.

Hope you love your felt turkey! I'd love to see one if you make it.


  1. I made one of these for decoration for thanksgiving. My 4 and 5 year old immediately stole it and held a pretend feast with it. We have also thrown ours around a bit, it is funny to see a roast turkey flying through the air! Thanks for the pattern and idea!

  2. Hi I love this bird. I have posted a link of this on my blog for those who like it to come your home for some yummy turkey hope you do not mind! thanks patty

  3. I'm going to have my 8 yo sew this up for her art project this week (we homeschool) but I'm going to have her use KAM snaps to attach the wings and legs so they are detachable!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this. I wanted to get a fake turkey to paint white for my Grinch holiday decor, but the cost was crazy. Your pattern in white felt was the perfect "roast beast"! https://whimziequiltz.wordpress.com/2015/12/13/come-on-by-for-some-roast-beast/

  5. I do not have white but have Brown and light brown, then why do i do

  6. Unable to download pattern. Says "access denied" and no reply to my request.

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