May 24, 2013

What's new?

So....I've been working on this little blog behind the scenes and soon you'll see the completely different design. Why? What's going on? Well....I will soon be contributing to a super great site that focuses on sewing beautiful things! It's like a dream - getting paid to blog about fun stuff I would be doing anyway!

I will be whipping up projects left and right to keep the sewing part of this blog stocked to the brim...but will still be posting about house projects (because we still have oodles of them to do!) and of course, all the kid and family goings-on as well.

You'll also see that the name of the blog is changing. Charming Doodle. It's just one of those phrases that makes me smile each time I hear it or say it. Charming. Doodle. Both fun words!

Another name change is that I'm going to be going by a nickname instead of my full 'real' name. It's for privacy reasons - plus - I like my 'other name' and hope you won't mind the switch. (Elisa Clark was the name of my first company and feels really comfortable. But I'm kicking myself now for letting go of that url.)

The blog address is switching too - but don't worry because the old one will still work so you won't miss a thing if you use it or have an rss feed set up.

All of the changes are leading up to some SUPER fun things...that I can't talk about just yet. But I can't wait to show you! (probably starting late next week)

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of my new blog picture that came out of a photo shoot with the ever-so-talented Morgan Designs Photography! Recognize the yellow color behind me? Can you guess where I'm sitting? (hint) Yep - right in front of the door! :)
You'll see this on the new blog design...which is getting installed later today! Eeeeek. I'm SO excited to see all this hard work come together. The sad part is that the real hard work is just beginning. But that's ok. I'm up for it!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! You are so creative, so excited to see what you come up with "Elisa" :)


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