Apr 2, 2013

Henry loves...

A few things that Henry loves:

Sneaking snacks from the cupboard...
Spatulas...and let's just say he likes doing anything in the kitchen when he's not supposed to be there. (like flooding it with the kitchen sink sprayer TWICE)
Stickers...(of course, not on paper or anywhere they belong)
Getting into trouble with his siblings...like when they took all the blankets and pillows they could find and piled them into the crib. Looks like fun, huh? (until they took 4 hours to clean it up because they "didn't want to")
Jumping...usually with his siblings too. For now, Elliott's room is set up like this so they can jump from his bed to an old mattress. Hours of fun.
Sofia...the Disney princess. He is seriously obsessed with her and asks to watch Sofia about 50 times a day. (no exaggeration) He especially loved watching her on my parent's giant tv that sits right at his eye level. It was like Sofia was the same size as him. He was glued.
Oh, and he also loves tugging on his ears like he's doing in this pic.
Making noise...notice how Emma is carefully playing with one finger and Henry is banging on the keys.
Candy watches (from his Easter basket)...or any candy, for that matter.
...but most of all, Henry loves Mommy! :) He's a momma's boy through and through and has a hard time sitting or spending time with anyone else. I should probably stop enabling that but he's my b.a.b.y. We love you Henry!


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