Mar 19, 2013

the "craft project"

I ran out of thread last weekend when I was sewing up a skirt for the girls. I took Isa with me to the fabric store...and wouldn't you know it...I left the store with more than just the thread I needed. :)

That happens a lot. If it's $1 pattern day or new fabric arrives to the store, time stands still and I can't drag myself out of there. It's hard to stop my brain from coming up with new ideas for little clothes with the endless patterns and colors inside the fabric store.

The other day was no exception. Isa and I both fell in love with a darling fabric and I knew exactly the dress I wanted to make for her with it. It is a bit of a departure from the look of the collection I've been making for the girls, but I think several of the other pieces will still mix and match with it. Isa is in LOVE with this new dress...and so am I.

Michael, however, thinks it looks like a "craft project." He is not a fan of this dress. Boo, hiss! He has liked everything else I've made so far (even the shirt and suit I made for him) but this was the first piece he hasn't liked.

What do you think? Craft project? Or darling little dress for my adorable Isa?
The front has some fun strips of fabric that move and spin with her when she twirls or runs. It's her favorite part of the dress...and Michael's least favorite part! The adorable dress pattern is The Lorelei from Lily Giggle.

I cut some extra strips of the purple flow-y fabric and put them in her hair. It's her FIRST pigtails! She looks adorable with little pigtails...I'm ssssoooo glad her hair is finally long enough!
I just love the print on this dress. It has every color of the rainbow in it and I can just picture it being used in lots of different ways. The big flowers or bird could be a cute pocket on a plain dress, or would make an adorable little apron to go over another skirt. I even thought about making kitchen curtains out of it since it matches our blue kitchen walls perfectly. Michael nixed that because he thinks the print is too country...he's right on that one. Country is not the look we're going for. But I still love this print!
A fun, easy dress for my fun, easy-going girl. Today I'm hoping to take the white lace fabric on the front and make some leggings that she can wear with the dress too. Cute!
Maybe the look will grow on Michael. After all, purple and gold are his favorite colors! Maybe Isa is just showing off her Vikings pride!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I know I'm commenting on an old post but I LOVE this dress. Look how happy she is wearing it! Also she looks a lot like you here, so adorable.


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