Feb 21, 2013

turquoise sunshine

The turquoise/white color blocked dress I was pattern testing is done! It looks really cute and I can't wait to do a 'proper' photo shoot to show you all the pieces I'm working on for the girls (instead of just having Isa stand on the dining room table). But for now, this will at least give you an idea of what this dress is like. It is so cute! I'm thinking it would be a fun little outfit for Easter. (it's called the Sunshine Dress pattern by Shwin Designs)
The inspiration for this dress started with some turquoise 'jewels' I picked up at Michael's a while ago. They are just embellishments for jewelry and were on super clearance, plus a coupon. I thought they were adorable and bought them without any idea of what to do with them. I took these little beauties to the fabric store with me and found the exact same shade of turquoisey-blue in a linen fabric. It was luv.

Then I had some leftover lightweight denim from the pants I made myself. I color blocked the skirt, and made the top out of the lightweight white denim. At the back, instead of buttons, I used snaps and covered them with the jewels. It worked perfectly!
The dress is cinched with a ribbon at the bottom. It turned out to be shorter than anticipated but it will look cute with the lace leggings I'm making for 'the collection.' And, of course, Isa's favorite part of the dress are the pockets. They are really hidden, and super deep. She's trying to show where they are in the picture below. Funny girl.

A snow storm is moving in today and Michael has been working so much overtime lately that he's due for a little break. Tomorrow we might have our whole family home for a long weekend! That probably means I won't get much further on sewing, but I'm excited to keep going on the Spring clothes. More to come.


  1. she's sooo pretty and these clothes are so cute!! makes me hope we have a girl one day. :)


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