Aug 21, 2012

off he goes

Today is Elliott's first day of Kindergarten! A sad...and happy day.

Sad because I will miss him during the day. Sad because it's kind of overwhelming to think about the stage of life he is beginning. He will be in school for the next 13 to 17+ years. Whoa!

Happy because he's ready and there are so many exciting things that will happen this year. He will learn to read! His world will get a little bigger after he gets to spend time with people other than his mom and little siblings all day.

This morning my little buddy woke up extra early, got dressed, got his lunch together and his bag and came into our bedroom to ask if we were ready to leave...I was still sleeping! It was waaaayyy too early to leave for school.
But I got up and got to cuddle with him and watch cartoons. He made a little sign for his first day so I could document his handwriting as a yearly tradition (thanks to a Pinterest idea). I wrote it out first and he was supposed to copy the letters I wrote. And I promise, in my example I spelled Kindergarten correctly. :)
Then I made him breakfast. That's when the sadness started. He spilled a little on his shirt and got SO sad that he had ruined it! We kept telling him it would dry and be no big deal. He has uniforms at school and has another t-shirt EXACTLY the same as the one he was wearing that he could change into. He just was sad.

To take his mind off of it we went outside to take some First Day of School pictures. Initially he was excited, but it was a little chilly this morning...which made him sad again. This is not the first day of school picture I was hoping for. :(
Michael whisked him into the truck so they could get going...and it sounds like he was a little happier by the time he got to school. I'll try to post a little update this afternoon after he comes back. I'm sure he'll do great today!

Mommy/Elliott Date
A couple weeks ago I got to go on a date with my little man to celebrate the end of summer. We went to a movie, dinner, and ice cream. Fun!

I tried to take pictures with my phone but I'm so bad at using it. How in the world do people take self portraits with their cells? I was able to get Elliott in the picture...right next to my forehead. Beautiful! :)

Here's my little buddy with his popcorn at the movies (a little happier than he was today). He was pretty excited to get popcorn and a drink all to himself! Although he only ate half his popcorn (he wanted to save it for the girls...what a sweetie pie) and hardly touched his drink because it was too sweet.
Then we grabbed a Chick-fil-A sandwich...yum! Our last stop of the evening was Orange Leaf for some ice cream. Yum again!
I hope we can make these little dates a regular thing. He's pretty fun to hang out with! And now that he's in school I'll have 'Elliott withdrawal' if I don't get my time with him!


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