Sep 25, 2011


The kids have really learned to LOVE going on rides this summer. They've ridden different things at a local festival, a go-kart/restaurant place, and a few times at the Mall of America. Poor Isa has been too short most of the summer for rides...but is finally tall enough now and is loving the new fun that comes with being a big girl!

The kids went to MOA when we drove up to the Twin Cities to meet their new cousin. This is pretty much what Henry did the whole time...
But Elliott and Emma got to ride several things and had SO much fun together.
Emma was too small for this little roller coaster so Elliott went on it by himself. It was fun to see the older kids 'bond' after having so much fun together. They ran around the mall holding hands...cute!
Isa was only tall enough to go on a ride if a parent was with her. Since I had to be with Henry, the poor girl had to sit and watch her older siblings have all the fun....until a nice mall worker took pity on the poor girl and agreed to ride once with her. So here's Isa on her one and only ride that day...a little blue train.
The Wonder Pets ride at MOA lifts the kids up and then lets them 'fall' and bounce up and down. You can see that Emma is smiling here...but that didn't last long. Right after I took this picture she started screaming so hard they stopped the ride and she got off. :)

In June we went to a small local festival that has lots of carnival-type rides. It was raining a bit so the crowds were small...meaning the kids got to ride lots of things without waiting.
 Once again, Henry got to just sit and look cute in the stroller. No rides for him...yet.

We made another trip to Minnesota in July and once again stopped at the Mall of America. Elliott and Isa met the Wonder Pets but Emma was too scared to go with them.
Henry was finally big enough to go on his first ride ever...he got to sit on the carousel...and loved it!
The go-karts are always fun and in late July, Emma got to ride for the first time with Daddy. Henry was too little but it looks like he'll be a future speedster. :)

The kids are now hooked on rides so hopefully next year...when they're all a little taller...we can make a trip to visit Uncle Andrew and show Elliott what a real ride is like at Cedar Point!


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