May 26, 2011

Dust Castles

You've probably made a sand castle at some point in your life...but have you ever made a dust castle? Have you ever had so much dust in your house that you could play with it like sand?
Weird thought...huh? kids have made dust castles! (and don't worry - I put a stop to it quickly so they weren't damaged for life) :)

This is how much drywall dust was on the floor of our house a couple weeks ago. I wish I had taken a picture of the side of some of those piles because the picture doesn't do it justice. We're talking *big* piles of powdery dust. It's mostly been cleaned up now...stayed semi-clean for a couple days...and then was replaced with sawdust.
The reason for all of this dust is that we decided to scrape the ceiling in the living room smooth. The living room ceiling is the only one that wasn't completely replaced so it was the only one left rough and we decided to make it match all the others. What a messy (but pretty easy) job! The picture below is of the contraption my hubby built over the stairs to help him reach the ceiling there.

Were the smooth ceilings worth all this craziness? YES!


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