May 18, 2010

Where have I been?

Wow - it's been a while since I last posted something. Woops! Here's a quick update...

I've been taking pictures! I've done 3 photo shoots in the last 3 weeks! Here is a little peek at two of them. These are adorable little ones who share a birthday month with Emerald. They're 2!!! (I'll post Emma's 2 year pictures in the near future.)

I want to say a quick thank you to the moms of these cuties for letting me be part of capturing their 2-year-old-ness in pictures!

Another thing I've been busy with is my position on the Board of Directors for a large credit union. I have served on the Board for a while but am grateful that I was elected to serve a new 3 year term. I've learned a lot already and look forward to serving the members for 3 more years!

Probably the biggest thing on our minds at the moment is a move we have coming up. Because of such a fabulous winter (ha, ha) we had a significant amount of damage from ice. In January we were on our West coast trip and my mom was home with the kids. She noticed that water was dripping through our kitchen ceiling. When we got home, we called our insurance company and they quickly cut us a check for $3,000.
Well, the damage got worse and much of it was hidden. Today I was told the inside work is conservatively estimated at $49,000 and the roofers and siding people are putting their estimate together this week.

So...we will be moving out of our house in a few weeks and will be out until the house is torn apart and put back together. (the good news is the sooner we move out...the more likely it will be that we can move back in before baby comes!) I'm sure I'll blog more about this in the coming weeks.

Happy late Mother's Day to everyone and here's a late blog 'Happy Birthday' to my hubby and baby girl!


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