Feb 8, 2010

Surrounded by beautiful people!

A quick college story...and then I'm going to share some pictures of a few beautiful people. ;)

I had a 'friend' (let's call her 'Melissa') in college who was...let's just say...interesting. Very nice girl - but VERY concerned with who was around her and how she looked. Case in point - she once said to me "Elizabeth, isn't it funny how we tend to hang out with people that are the same as us? I mean...all of your friends are...bigger...and all of my friends are skinny like me!"
Oh how I wish you could hear me say it the way she did. Whoa! What do you say to that???
But I knew to take it with a grain of salt because this is the same girl who literally kept a picture of herself in a bikini in her desk drawer and when she was having a bad day she would take it out and say out loud "at least I still look good." Hmmmm

I am quite thankful Melissa was wrong and that not all of my friends are just like me. :) Here are a couple examples of some of the gorgeous people around me. Lucky for me - they also let me take their picture! :)

Before Christmas, I got to take pics of Heather and Seth. Such a fun and amazing couple...not to mention photogenic...scary photogenic. You can't take a bad picture of either of them! Even Riley their dog looked at the camera right on cue.

Last week I got to do some pictures for another beautiful family celebrating birthdays for their 4 year old and one year old boys. Happy Birthday Zack and Austin!

These two were my favorites from the session. (and obviously, I was in a 'black and white' mood for this shoot and kept them all pretty much in b&w)

I have been learning a ton in each shoot and continue getting more and more addicted to photography. Thank you to the Comforts and Heilmans for letting me practice with your good looking faces. :)

And, in case you were wondering, NO, I don't keep in touch with Melissa! (and her name really isn't Melissa - but I'm sure my close college friends are having a good laugh remembering her as they read this) :)

1 comment:

  1. Love all these pics! Someday when you're a high-demanded photographer, we're all going to say, "remember when she did that for us for FREE???!" Ha ha :)


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