I have a new hobby - and I'm completely addicted! When I was pregnant with Emerald we decided to bite the bullet and buy a nice camera so we would have some decent pictures of the kids. We were spending way too much on having pictures taken by other people...and they turned out ok - but we missed all the 'unposed' daily life that happens at home.
So we bought a camera, I took a class, and we started acquiring more gear. Now with 3 different lenses, flashes, gadgets, and a lot of software...I can't stop taking pictures. I'm on a mission to capture the best moments of my kids! Here are 2 of my most recent favorites. I was playing with the kids in their room and the lighting was perfect so I got out the camera.
Emerald's eyes just melt my heart! And she looks so tiny in the crib that Michael made.
Elliott looks a little guilty here because he sat on his sister right before I snapped this! That little stinker!
My biggest pet peeves when it comes to photography are 1) Elliott almost always refuses to look directly at the camera and 2) I'm never IN any pictures anymore - I'm always behind the camera.
Oh well. It's still fun. I'm hoping to keep this blog updated with the latest when I take them.