Jan 30, 2009

and baby makes 5


Yes, it's true! Baby Caven #3 is on the way! It's incredibly difficult to find a shirt that says 'I'm the big sister' in a 9-12 month size but I finally did and Emerald is displaying it proudly. (although probably wouldn't if she knew what it actually meant)
I'm feeling pretty well so far (definitely feeling more like I did with Elliott, not with Emerald) and we pray that all will go well and we'll welcome this baby in September. The idea of having 3 children under 3 years old is a little daunting, but exciting!


  1. I love your blog and I love your pictures! I think I am going to have to take some lessons from you. :) Congrats on baby #3 and I miss you!

  2. Wow!!! Congratulations on baby #3!
    I'm glad you love photography. I've always wanted to get more into that craft.

  3. (what Ron said was really what Becca said)


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