Dec 29, 2009


It's hard to believe Christmas has already come and gone! We had fun at my parent's house and even got to spend some extra time there because of the threats of a big snowstorm. I'm still working on pictures of our week but thought I'd post a few that I've already gotten to play with a little.
My big gift (to myself...from my husband) was a new camera lens! Love, love, LOVE it! Here are a couple of the first pictures I took with it. You can see how amazing it can make lights look on a Christmas tree and how narrowly it can focus in these pictures.

Having some fun with Isa while she was sleeping away. :)

Here are a few random pics. The left-most is Emma adding her thumbprint to a 'Family Tree' that I found on etsy. In the middle is Elliott opening one of his gifts. In the background you'll see the 'beautiful' Green Bay Packer lawn ornament my brothers gave to my dad. The third picture was taken in the middle of a few minutes of frustration trying to get the kids to all sit together for a picture.

My parents gave Emerald and Elliott adorable little rocking chairs. Emma loves climbing and we caught this sweet little moment with her relaxing on the chair while everyone opened gifts around her.

I roped Andrew into letting me take some pictures of him playing his guitar. The kids loved listening to him play...but I think they were more fascinated when they had a few minutes alone with the guitar to get into trouble!

We got to spend some fun time with Nana and Grandpa. Here is Isa with her great grandparents.

My grandparents' place isn't exactly kid-proof so we have to watch the kids like crazy to make sure they don't get into anything. My idea of 'keeping an eye on them' was to follow with a camera and I caught some cute moments with Emma.

Hopefully I'll find more time soon to finish the rest of the pictures so I can post them. Hope you had a Merry Christmas too!

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