Aug 29, 2009

Crazy kids

In the past week or so I have seen the sweet side of Elliott several times. He can be pretty cranky and definitely very mean to his sister...but he has shown how sweet he can be recently. Here's one example:
I was trying to put some new sheets on his bed one day...a task that has become much more difficult now that I'm at the end of this pregnancy. His mattress basically sits on the floor inside the bed frame - so there's not much room and you have to lift the entire mattress to put the sheet around it. I was getting frustrated and finally gave up and told him that Daddy would finish it later. Elliott just looked at me with his big brown eyes and said, 'Mommy you can do have big muscles.' He gave me a huge hug and in my crazy emotional state I just thought that was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard and it made me cry.
How could I ever look at this angelic face and think he's just naughty through and through. :)

One more recent story about Elliott's sensitive little heart. This week we went to a picnic for Michael's work. They had some activities for the kids and Elliott and Emma had a blast getting completely soaked with water in a big tub full of rubber duckies. The grand finale for the kids was a pinata...which Elliott had never seen before. He got to take the first whack as one of the youngest kids there. The look on his face was so strange when he was given a bat and told to hit this cartoon character as hard as he could. He did it and then ran back to us. The more he watched the bigger kids hit the pinata, the more upset he got until he was sobbing uncontrollably thinking that the poor cartoon was getting hurt. We explained that there was candy inside, but until he saw it break and got to pick up candy and trinkets, he didn't understand and was pretty traumatized by it all. Now that he understands better, he LOVES talking about pinatas and we've been watching lots of YouTube videos of people hitting them. His 3rd birthday is coming up soon and I think we'll have a pinata for him...but it will be shaped like a baseball, not one of his favorite characters. :)

Emerald, on the other hand, has not been as sweet lately. She wants whatever her brother has and has learned to scream to get our attention. It's fun to hear her talking more but she has become quite a handful.
Here is my pretty little girl eating dirt outside. She was quite upset with me for making her stop!

She has her fun moments too. Here she is at the park today. She was trying to copy what I was doing and was playing with the camera. It was cute to see her get the giggles when I let her try my sunglasses on. (and a big thanks to Aunt Susie for the Tea collection dress - Emerald finally fits in it!)

Here's our latest 'family picture' - also taken at the park today.

And one of the outtakes of Michael and Elliott trying to make a fun shadow.


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